Separate babies, separate people

Brian and I have been married for five years, and when we got married we said we would wait five years before having children. It worked out perfect, even though we started trying a year early. The first few months we were on the fertility drugs, my mother kept saying I was too young to have kids, or she was too young to be a grandmother. But she is so excited about having triplet grandchildren; she tells everybody she sees, I think.

This week, when the babies move, I can actually tell which one is moving. There will be a distinct flutter in one part of my belly, then later a flutter in a completely different part. How fascinating!

I’ve always done lots of handwork–knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, hardanger, tatting…Almost anything involving a needle and thread, except crewel embroidery, I never liked that much. The first week I knew I was pregnant, I crocheted a layette, with a jacket, a hat, booties, and a blanket. I finished the whole thing in a week. That was before I knew there were three. Now I’m really busy. I want to do birth records for all three of the babies, and that is going to take quite a while.

We have named the babies Lefty, Sleepy, and Frisky. Lefty is on my left side, and he hasn’t done anything really interesting in the ultrasounds yet, so we couldn’t think of anything better to call him. Sleepy is down low in the front, and is almost always asleep during the ultrasounds, and he seems to like to wake up late at night. Frisky is on my right side and is always moving, hardly ever seems to sleep, and he wriggled around so much during one ultrasound the doctor couldn’t get a clear measurement of him. They will stay in the same spots for the whole pregnancy because they’re in separate sacks, so they’re pretty much anchored to one spot.

Published by solinox

I am a Wiccan priestess, a libertarian mother of triplets plus three, a wife and homeschooling mom to blind and autistic children, a fiber artist, and a Jane of All Trades, always learning and seeking to help.

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