Arriving in Ohio

We had a really nice drive down to Ohio. Most of the way, we were accompanied by an absolutely gorgeous rainbow so bright even Brian could see it. When the rainbow went away, I got a view of the almost-full moon out my window in its place.  I think those are wonderful omens for our trip to get Kender’s dog A’kos.

The hotel where we are staying has a full breakfast every day and dinner four days a week. We need to pack a lunch or eat out; tomorrow will likely be fast food since we haven’t been to the store yet.  The suite is smaller than I expected, but I don’t really plan on staying in the room for most of the day.  I look forward to lots of moving around town as we learn how to work with a service dog and see all the local sights.

I can’t believe in less than 12 hours we will have met Kender’s dog! So many months of waiting…it has only seemed real this past week, since we got A’kos’ name and picture, and it still seems a little unbelievable.

Kender is busy playing with every door in the room, including the outside door, flipping all the light switches, pulling the fan chain…

Published by solinox

I am a Wiccan priestess, a libertarian mother of triplets plus three, a wife and homeschooling mom to blind and autistic children, a fiber artist, and a Jane of All Trades, always learning and seeking to help.

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