Ultrasound pictures

I’m looking forward to my next appointment on Wednesday. I’ll be far enough along then that I’m hoping the doctor will be able to tell the sexes. I’m really getting spoiled; every time I go in I get an ultrasound, and pictures and video to take home with me. I don’t know what I’m going […]

Feeling the babies move

I can already feel the babies moving around, quite a bit sometimes. It feels like a “thumping” inside my tummy. Every day it gets more distinct, more definite. It’s hard to describe exactly what it feels like. Sometimes it’s like gas or just general intestinal movement, only I know it’s not because my intestines aren’t […]

Planning for bedrest

I think the egg must have split once, and then one half split again, if the babies are identical. At least, none of my biology teachers ever told me a cell could split three ways at once! Brian would just love to have identical babies. I think we’ve finally worked out an arrangement for bedrest. […]

Planning a healthy triplet pregnancy

After all the research and reading I’ve done, I’ve decided that I need to gain 75 pounds by the end of the pregnancy to help ensure that I have some big babies. It sounds like a lot, but it’s not really when you consider the recommendation for one baby is usually around 25 pounds or […]

Not feeling like a mother

I don’t feel like a mother. I certainly don’t feel like what society “expects” mothers to be. I definitely don’t feel like my mother. I can’t hardly even believe this is real. Part of it, I’m sure, is just because I had completely given up on my chances of getting pregnant by the time I […]

6 weeks — TRIPLETS???

Today I made an appointment with my regular obstetrician for an ultrasound. The midwife didn’t do these, and I wanted “fetal pictures” of the baby for each trimester. The doctor treated it as a regular first prenatal visit, complete with Pap smear, cultures, and blood and urine tests. So it took a little while to […]

Double Check

Women who have my condition, polycystic ovarian syndrome, often do not produce enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy once it is established. After all, the problem was a lack of hormones in the first place. So I went in to the doctor’s office to let the vampires suck out some blood for testing. They ran […]

We’re Pregnant!

By the next weekend, we had finally reached a two-week mark, so that afternoon I went ahead and took another home pregnancy test, expecting nothing. Several cycles before, I had gotten my hopes up over similar symptoms, only to have it be nothing. So when I went back three minutes later and saw that little […]

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