Genetics and a crib

Brian and I are constantly arguing over what the babies will look like. He doesn’t believe me when I say my family has strong genes. My father’s family is Swedish, I’m third-generation American. They marry dark people and consistently have blonde-haired, blue-eyed, pale as snow children. My mother is Cajun, brown hair and eyes, and […]

Stretch Marks

I’ve discovered an interesting thing with my stretch marks. I have a beautiful set from when I was 17 and I gained about 30 pounds during my fourth semester at college. They look just like pregnancy stretch marks, too. They’ve all faded and turned white now. The new ones for the pregnancy started popping up […]

First contractions

I’m looking forward to the babies’ third birthday. By that time, they should all be walking, talking, and pretty much potty trained. They may not be good at it, but it’ll be a start. They’ll be more like real people then. Well, here comes the fun part of having triplets…Contractions!!! I had a bunch last […]

On the lighter side

Comedian Steve Wright: “I was born by ceserean section. Most of the time you can’t tell, except whenever I leave the house I go out through the window.” Brian’s response: “I was born by natural childbirth. Most of the time you can’t tell, except whenever I leave the house I go out through the cat […]

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