Level III Ultrasound

We had our first Level III ultrasound today, finally! It was originally scheduled for last week, but apparently the doctor got subpeonaed to testify in court or something, so they had to reschedule it. We had been hoping to find out the sexes before the baby shower so we could tell everybody. The babies are […]

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This week has been extremely frustrating for me. Naturally, my doctor forbade me to do anything on the move except give orders. Unfortunately, this includes unpacking. Our help with the move also didn’t do much unpacking, although I got the kids to do some of the kitchen. So I have been sitting all this week […]

Genetics and a crib

Brian and I are constantly arguing over what the babies will look like. He doesn’t believe me when I say my family has strong genes. My father’s family is Swedish, I’m third-generation American. They marry dark people and consistently have blonde-haired, blue-eyed, pale as snow children. My mother is Cajun, brown hair and eyes, and […]

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