Random Thoughts

Someday, I want to buy a whole bunch of My Brittle Pony horse jerky from my supplier in Scotland, go into Hot Topic, and secretly pin a bag to each and every My Little Pony t-shirt for sale.  Then hide and watch.  That store has become such a disappointment over the past decade or so. […]

Socially Acceptable Venting

I’ve been having a pretty tough day today with Kender. I’m taking advantage of the few brief moments here and there when he is silently pouting to type this out.  I need to get this out, even (or maybe especially!) on a bad day like today, because sometimes I feel like I have no voice. […]

Another Week

Time just seems to fly by sometimes.  This week has been so busy, with Brenden’s broken finger and things here and there and everywhere.  So much has happened.  I’ve gotten things accomplished, if not the same things as last week.  I fell down skating on Sunday, and so I’ve been horribly sore all week, every […]

Youth Groups

Last night, all three of the triplets were out of the house.  Brenden has gone on a weekend-long retreat with his best friend’s church’s youth group, and the girls were invited to another church’s lock-in.  It’s amazing to realize that they are at that age. I remember being 14.  I remember 9th and 10th grade.  […]

This week was great because…

Similar to the ideas of focusing on the roses, or of enumerating things to be grateful for, another idea for improving positive thinking is to focus on what has been accomplished and what has been good.  Fat Man has used this idea pretty successfully himself, and it’s been floating to the surface of my mind […]

IEP Torture

We had reasons for homeschooling from the beginning, reasons that had nothing to do with disabilities, especially since we had no reason to expect any disabled children. (Remember how the doctors told us Brian’s blindness was not genetic?) We had reasons like my experience being the smart one, the geek, the outcast, the loner, the […]


Something happened yesterday to somebody I don’t even personally know, really.  I never met her, just her boyfriend.  It’s something that happens every day, to millions of women, almost 1/3 of all mothers today in fact.   Most people don’t consider that a big deal.  But just the knowledge that it happened, the sight of the […]

The Sex/Gender Dividing Line

Ever since the dawn of the human species, there has been division by gender. Men hunt, women farm. Men fight, women have babies. Men run businesses, women stay home and look pretty.  Now, as we move through the 21st century, so many areas of life are equal.  We have women in politics, in boardrooms, in […]

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