You have triplets???

I can completely sympathize with the mom in this story. These days, I don't have to tell anybody that I have triplets. If I mention it, it's because I am at that moment prepared to discuss them, to answer questions and generally engage in conversation about them. When they were babies, though, it was never [...]

Kender and School

It feels weird to be talking about Kender going to school.  We've been homeschoolers for so long.  It's all about what's best for the kids, though.  In Kender's case, right now, a group learning environment seems like the best choice. Although Kender is still making lots of progress, he still resists being directed and guided [...]

Gardening 3.0

My friends will remember our loss of a dear friend back in 2013.  Chris was amazing.  I was always in awe of the work she did on her homesteading and her Zumba classes.  She put her whole heart into everything she did, and she took so much hard-won knowledge and experience with her when she died, so [...]

I Can’t See

I am autistic. To be more specific, I am a very high functioning autistic, which means that I don't look autistic.  I pass for neurotypical most of the time.  The passing makes it hard to cope with, though.  Sometimes I wish there were some visible symbol I could have so that people would know what [...]

Statistics and Numbers

What are the odds of various bad things happening? Any U.S. citizen dying of anything, per year: 1 in 122 A child being sexually assaulted by a friend or family member (most likely includes statutory rape): 1 in 1,562 A child being sexually assaulted by a stranger (most likely includes statutory rape): 1 in 4,686 [...]


I have a blanket on the back of my desk chair in the basement, where I generally do schoolwork and other time-intensive computer things.  My basement is mostly finished, but the walls are concrete and only some of them are covered in insulation.  This makes it cold down there, especially in the spring and summer. [...]

You Are Remembered

I've found in the past couple of weeks that it is hard to describe my relationship with Pat to others.  Some relationships you can encapsulate in a few words: my childhood friend, my grandmother, my next-door neighbor.  Pat was different.  She was a mother of a friend, but also a friend in her own right. [...]

Apples and Oranges

You can't directly compare conditions a hundred or two hundred years ago to today.  At first glance, this seems obvious, and yet I consistently see people doing this.  The comparisons are made when we talk about vaccination, obesity, infant mortality, childbirth methods, autism, child labor, and probably half a dozen other topics that I can't [...]

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