
I found two new communities to move in this year. The first is our new church home at Crossroads Tabernacle Church, a (somewhat) local branch of the ATC. I’ve missed being part of a church community for years. Back in Texas, we were members of a Unitarian church, and I enjoyed the services and the community of the church. When we moved to Michigan, the Unitarian churches up here just didn’t feel right. Finding out about Crossroads at the end of 2009 was a blessing. We have found a group of people who share our beliefs and who welcome our children. We’ve managed to make most of the rituals this year, and each one has been a wonderful experience, both spiritual and social. The biggest challenge with this community is distance. The church is over an hour away, and most of the folks who attend also live in that area. That makes it a big commitment for any ritual. So far, it has been worth it.

The other group I “found” was a Lansing homeschoolers group. I’ve been on their mailing list for a while, and had been to a couple of events with them. But this summer I was determined to get out more, and I went to every single park day, every week. Maybe I missed a couple, but not many. The kids and I got to spend time with the same families all summer long, making friends and learning about each other.

I would like to do more with the homeschool group in 2011. I had hoped to start attending some of the classes they do this fall, but it hasn’t worked out. I really need to get our home studies in better order before signing up for those. But I want to get back to attending more of the field trips. It seems like there is something every month, at least. The field trips and holiday parties are great for keeping in touch with our new friends through the cold winter months.

Published by solinox

I am a Wiccan priestess, a libertarian mother of triplets plus three, a wife and homeschooling mom to blind and autistic children, a fiber artist, and a Jane of All Trades, always learning and seeking to help.

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