Apples and Oranges

You can’t directly compare conditions a hundred or two hundred years ago to today.  At first glance, this seems obvious, and yet I consistently see people doing this.  The comparisons are made when we talk about vaccination, obesity, infant mortality, childbirth methods, autism, child labor, and probably half a dozen other topics that I can’t […]

An Abundance of Love

My facebook feed has been full of posts about Leelah Alcorn, a teenage transgirl who committed suicide by stepping out in front of a semi on the highway.  I have a friend with a trans child who felt this story hit her like a physical blow in the chest.  It shows that the alternative of a […]

Mabon Reflections

  Today is Mabon, the celebration of the fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.  The world sits at the balance between the summer half of the year and the winter.  Now the days begin to grow shorter, the nights longer.  Now we reap the fruits of the harvest, the corn and the wheat, the apples […]

Dancing Through Life

The Great and Wonderful Aunt Anne came through last week.  It was wonderful to get to visit with her, although we did not get to ride together after all. (Turns out, she didn’t bring her bikes on this trip!)  We cooked together, their dog Chucho and A’Kos played together…or at least Chucho tolerated A’Kos trying […]

The Eye of the Storm

Close your eyes and sit comfortably, spine balanced, arms and legs relaxed, face soft.  Breathe in deeply through your nose…and out through your mouth…and again, feeling the breath fill your body. “Mom, can I have cereal for breakfast?” Breathe in slowly to a count of four…one…two…three… *thud* A 45-pound body lands in your lap and […]

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